Tuesday, May 27, 2008

And the Seasons, They Go Round and Round

End of May already?! It's been an interesting winter into spring transition. I have not been performing a whole lot, which does anything but excite me. In April, I worked on a great project at Discovery Theater, Seasons of Life. It was an educational show at the Smithsonian for all ages.

About a month ago, I was in a terrible car accident. I totalled my car on a day of torrential downpours... at a sharp turn on an exit ramp, my car went out of control, more than hydroplaning, hit a guard rail, and turned a 360. I emerged from the car without a scratch. My car's front wheels and front end were gone. In the week that followed, I was in shock, and since that day, my life has changed. I aim to discover what is most important to me each and everyday, and take time for those things and people.

Two weeks ago, I was offered a national tour of Three Musketeers. The play is with National Theater for Arts and Education, and I will be playing a bi-lingual role (French) of Queen Anne. I am thrilled that I will have the summer to brush up on French, and will be on the road again... this time with more than one other person! The tour will be through December, and I am thinking New York is next!

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