Thursday, May 31, 2007
You can check out the article here:
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Understudy Experience
It was a strange feeling being on stage today. The cast for this show is tight, and I have a great respect for all of them as talented performers. I hated that I was running all the technical aspects (stage directions, lines, moving set pieces, and keeping up the pace) in my head for the entire performance. I guess that's how it goes the first time, but I keep reminding myself that I can always be more prepared. If I had been, I would have been able to relax more and really act and react, rather than only making sure the other actors received what they needed, technically, from me. More fun next time!
I am currently performing as a hotbox dancer, in a production of "Guys and Dolls". It has been fun putting my little experience in tapping to use... I have come far from where I started in early March. Please come check us out this weekend!
(below: me w/ Zehra (who plays Sergeant Sarah) and Jessica (who plays Adelaide))

My summer schedule is still up in the air, but it will most likely include performing as a Senior Operations Officer at the International Spy Museum. I am cast in two shows for the summer, and am still trying to work out details on another production. More details to follow as to dates, times, and places.
This week, I am also shooting an independent film called "Let It Be". I will be playing the part of Heather, a DC actress, well cast I think! I just received a copy of the short film I worked on over the summer. It's fun to finally see my face on screen :)
Be well!