"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."
So, unfortunately, I have nodules on my throat once again. I haven't had them checked out, but I feel exactly as I did at the end of the summer last year when I was diagnosed. I successfully beat them, but I guess I wasn't careful enough. I know, I know, I need a voice teacher. Easier said than done... Anyway, lots of vocal rest in the next 2 months and no more singing.... I'm bummed, I missed a few great musical theatre audition opportunities these past couple of weeks. I'm putting my chips into drama these next few months, hope to gain some film/tv experience.
A time for change means, no more credit cards, pursuing an MFA in acting, and becoming a Vegan... Yea, I've had lots of time for pondering my future these past few weeks. Actually ever since my birthday in September, I've realized, life is zooming by... no more "waiting until I'm ready"... it's time to get ready and go!
MARINE CORPS MARATHON is less than 3 weeks away. I have not trained as hard as I wanted to, so am not going to kill myself for a good time. My goal is to finish the race. Although a 4:00 or 4:15 finish would be excellent, there's no pressure! Please come out and support, OCTOBER 28th. The map of the race is on the website... I would love to see you on the route, especially mile 15 and beyond.
More in the weeks ahead about my transition and reasons for going VEGAN, as well as an update on grad school applications.
Good news! I was cast in Discovery Theatre's spring show (April), "Seasons of Life." It's nice to have something lined up, even if it is a few months away.