Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Jim Henson said...

"I believe we can use television and film to be an influence for good."

Just saw a poster with Jim Henson and his Muppets at the school library where I am working today. I have been taking inventory in the media room, where I've found numerous videos starring my favorite actors: Glenn Close, Denzel Washington, Sigourney Weaver and John Lithgow, among others. As a new month is beginning, I have been taking inventory in my own life. Am I where I want to be professionally right now? I'm on the way, but no, not exactly. Over the past couple of days I have decided on new personal choices in my move forward. Sunday morning, I ran a half-marathon in Providence. Running long distances in a race always motivates me to "go the distance" in other facets of my life.

Most importantly, I am working to secure my financial future so that I can begin to plan a move back to the city (NY or DC) by Summer/Fall 2011, unless grad school comes first. In the meantime, I will work to join the actors union(s). I am thrilled to have work right now. I begin rehearsals this week for an exciting outdoor production of Henry VIII with The Rhode Island Shakespeare Theatre (TRIST). More info can be found on my new website: www.elisearsenault.com