Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Midsummer Reflections

It was refreshing to wake up late this morning and bike to the local coffeehouse, Saxby's. Wireless is temporarily out at my house, and it's good to go someplace else for lunch and internet time. I have the day off of work, as technicalities are still being worked out at the Spy Museum's "Operation Spy".

I am procrastinating my 10-mile run, but am definitely starting it at 3pm (waiting for the mid-day sun to cool). My goal is to join a running group in the next week or two... So if you know of a good one, please let me know! I've been finding it difficult to motivate long runs in the humid summer heat. Marathon is in October, so it's time to start building the mileage. It'd also be a good opportunity to meet new people--- I guess I am okay with meeting a few non-theater people (though I love my friends more than they know :) ) !

The DC Fringe Festival has taken over downtown for the past week. What an exciting place to be! I didn't realize how involved I am in the theater community until I went to fringe shows and found I knew people on stage, in the audience, and on the street. So much fun! Great converstations with other actors have motivated me to stretch myself in the coming year, and prep myself to truly be as competitive as possible.

Monday morning I had an audition with a theater I had auditioned for exactly a year ago. Same director, same place, improved talent! A year ago, I was brand new to the market. This time, I had names to drop, a postcard advertising my current show, and a knowledge of what this theater was looking for, as well as my personal way of marketing that to them. I have several important auditions in the next few weeks, and I look forward to the future. However, looking back on the past year, I have learned not to take a project just to take a project.... Oh, the lessons I have learned!

I look forward to this weekend, when I'll head down to New Orleans! I'm joining some family to help with Habitat for Humanity... I'll try to take some pictures :)

If you have the chance, turn on the TODAY show tomorrow, Thursday morning at 9:00am. I will be on a segment advertising the Spy Museum's new "Operation Spy".

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