Yes, it is a cheesy Disney ride... but it's something I am saying almost every week now! Way back in November (in Washington state), I met someone who's daughter was college roomies with a girl from Bristol (Lizabeth Marshall). During this winter tour, I have stayed with people who were originally from the same small town of Choteau, MT. This week, Robbie and Meg saw the production of "Gershwin Alone" on their trip to DC that my "Aunt" Peg directed. The list goes on, and that's just out here in the Northwest. Meanwhile, in DC, friends or acquaintances of mine are working on productions all the time without even knowing they both know me. And the coolest piece of news... a guy from the "Overtures" workshop I attended a couple years ago at the Kennedy Center is now Assistant Directing Stephen Sondheim's new show! And so there you have it, I'm finding everything fascinating out here with too much time on my hands.
And I dedicate my next paragraph to all my homestays (of past and present). Thank you for your awesomeness. Thank you for sharing your couch, a spare bed, or giving up your own for the week. Thanks for sharing your yummy food and adopting me as one of your own. I could not survive this job if it weren't for the social time spent with homestays. In Casper, Ferne and I played piano duets almost every night. In Greybull, I found a "little sister" in Jill who opened up to me about fun high school happenings. And this weekend, since we have Monday off, I'll be skiing with the Kaths in Montana!
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