Monday, December 31, 2007
What a year it was...
Monday, December 03, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
A Time of Change
So, unfortunately, I have nodules on my throat once again. I haven't had them checked out, but I feel exactly as I did at the end of the summer last year when I was diagnosed. I successfully beat them, but I guess I wasn't careful enough. I know, I know, I need a voice teacher. Easier said than done... Anyway, lots of vocal rest in the next 2 months and no more singing.... I'm bummed, I missed a few great musical theatre audition opportunities these past couple of weeks. I'm putting my chips into drama these next few months, hope to gain some film/tv experience.
A time for change means, no more credit cards, pursuing an MFA in acting, and becoming a Vegan... Yea, I've had lots of time for pondering my future these past few weeks. Actually ever since my birthday in September, I've realized, life is zooming by... no more "waiting until I'm ready"... it's time to get ready and go!
MARINE CORPS MARATHON is less than 3 weeks away. I have not trained as hard as I wanted to, so am not going to kill myself for a good time. My goal is to finish the race. Although a 4:00 or 4:15 finish would be excellent, there's no pressure! Please come out and support, OCTOBER 28th. The map of the race is on the website... I would love to see you on the route, especially mile 15 and beyond.
More in the weeks ahead about my transition and reasons for going VEGAN, as well as an update on grad school applications.
Good news! I was cast in Discovery Theatre's spring show (April), "Seasons of Life." It's nice to have something lined up, even if it is a few months away.
Monday, September 10, 2007
"Operation Spy" --- Up and Running
Last week (on my birthday actually!), the Washington Post came through OP SPY with me and a group of guests. Check out the article. It was also featured in the San Francisco Chronicle... my first bi-coastal review!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Midsummer Reflections
I am procrastinating my 10-mile run, but am definitely starting it at 3pm (waiting for the mid-day sun to cool). My goal is to join a running group in the next week or two... So if you know of a good one, please let me know! I've been finding it difficult to motivate long runs in the humid summer heat. Marathon is in October, so it's time to start building the mileage. It'd also be a good opportunity to meet new people--- I guess I am okay with meeting a few non-theater people (though I love my friends more than they know :) ) !
The DC Fringe Festival has taken over downtown for the past week. What an exciting place to be! I didn't realize how involved I am in the theater community until I went to fringe shows and found I knew people on stage, in the audience, and on the street. So much fun! Great converstations with other actors have motivated me to stretch myself in the coming year, and prep myself to truly be as competitive as possible.
Monday morning I had an audition with a theater I had auditioned for exactly a year ago. Same director, same place, improved talent! A year ago, I was brand new to the market. This time, I had names to drop, a postcard advertising my current show, and a knowledge of what this theater was looking for, as well as my personal way of marketing that to them. I have several important auditions in the next few weeks, and I look forward to the future. However, looking back on the past year, I have learned not to take a project just to take a project.... Oh, the lessons I have learned!
I look forward to this weekend, when I'll head down to New Orleans! I'm joining some family to help with Habitat for Humanity... I'll try to take some pictures :)
If you have the chance, turn on the TODAY show tomorrow, Thursday morning at 9:00am. I will be on a segment advertising the Spy Museum's new "Operation Spy".
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Upcoming Performance: "Lysistration"- Fringe Festival
Capital Fringe Festival presents
Venus Theatre's world premiere of
"Lysistration", a feminist rock opera... rattling Athenian bones of Aristophanes
Where: The Warehouse Arts- Mainstage- 1021 7th Street, NW (a few blocks from Mt. Vernon Metro Station)
When: Fri, July 20 - 9pm
Sun, July 22 - 4:30pm
Thurs, July 26 - 11pm
Fri, July 27 - MIDNIGHT!!!
Sat, July 28 - 2pm
Who: words by Deborah Randall
music by Alan Scott, Deborah Randall, and Monalisa Arias
directed by Deborah Randall
performed by Alan Scott, Deborah Randall, Monalisa Arias, Shelby Sours, Michelle Urcuryo, Ellie Nicoll, Elise Arsenault, Jeni Simas, Timothy King, and Linden Tailor.
Running time 75 minutes
for mature audiences only due to sexual content and language
Tickets: $15, call (866) 811-4111. I believe there may be passes you can purchase to see several shows at the Cap Fringe Fest.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
You can check out the article here:
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Understudy Experience
It was a strange feeling being on stage today. The cast for this show is tight, and I have a great respect for all of them as talented performers. I hated that I was running all the technical aspects (stage directions, lines, moving set pieces, and keeping up the pace) in my head for the entire performance. I guess that's how it goes the first time, but I keep reminding myself that I can always be more prepared. If I had been, I would have been able to relax more and really act and react, rather than only making sure the other actors received what they needed, technically, from me. More fun next time!
I am currently performing as a hotbox dancer, in a production of "Guys and Dolls". It has been fun putting my little experience in tapping to use... I have come far from where I started in early March. Please come check us out this weekend!
(below: me w/ Zehra (who plays Sergeant Sarah) and Jessica (who plays Adelaide))

My summer schedule is still up in the air, but it will most likely include performing as a Senior Operations Officer at the International Spy Museum. I am cast in two shows for the summer, and am still trying to work out details on another production. More details to follow as to dates, times, and places.
This week, I am also shooting an independent film called "Let It Be". I will be playing the part of Heather, a DC actress, well cast I think! I just received a copy of the short film I worked on over the summer. It's fun to finally see my face on screen :)
Be well!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
A Good Week
Work on the short film was fun last week. Working on a film is like tech week in theatre. Alot of "Hurry up, and wait"-ing. At one point, a hot light was accidentally dropped on my head, that was a good time, NOT. .... the reaction to this was awesome, they had a doctor on call to make sure there was no damage, and that I hadn't passed out. The overall experience was rewarding, and of course it's always fun to have someone else do my hair and make-up... Kya was a pro! The film is called "The Exaltation of Mr. Pratt" and it is being submitted for the national 168 Hour Film Festival.
Onto STAGE NEWS: I have been cast in the company of "Guys & Dolls" at American Music Stage, and am looking forward to working with old friendss and making new ones. I haven't been in a musical chorus for several years, should be fun! Also, I was cast in Theater of the First Amendment's FIRST LIGHT FESTIVAL. I will play "Tess" (a 1940s radio actress) and "Leader" (a strong, modern woman) in a new play called Faithkillers. The reading will be directed by Jeremy Skidmore, psyched to have the opportunity to work with such a renowned DC area director!
Monday, February 19, 2007
A Film!
Also ahead of me this week, I have been called to audition for an Indy film in the Baltimore area, and a principle role for a play being produced in Alexandria. Time to keep the positive thinking and focus up! All the while, I should be prepping for a major audition at the South Eastern Theatre Conference (SETCs) in Atlanta, where I will audition for approximately 100 theatres all over the country. I'm psyched to head to Atlanta for the first time, where I'll also be able to meet up with some friends.
I ran my first 8 mile run yesterday in 1:17.40. I'm well on my way to running the Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler under an hour and a half!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Radio Debut!
It's been a busy January, and although I don't have a show directly lined up following my stint at Adventure Theatre, I have been auditioning at several agencies, and am prepping for the South Eastern Theatre Conference (SETC) auditions in March.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
A New Year, New Opportunities
I have so much to celebrate with a year of accomplishments, and my first full year as a working performing artist behind me! Eight months on a national tour, three months in my new place here in DC--- making contacts, performing in movies, shows, taking classes, and auditioning! New headshots will arrive any day now!
My goals for the future continue to play in my mind, and as I attend a performance at Arena Stage or Studio, I see that my own bio isn't too far off from those performing and starring in the mainstage regional productions.