Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I feel like I've been working on my personal statements for the past two weeks with no end in sight. Last night, while re-editing drafts and searching A.R.T./Moscow Art School's Institute for the Advanced Actor, I think I discovered my mission... and my program.

By living in the skin, using the words, and breathing the breath of diverse characters, I shed light on overlooked or underexposed viewpoints and encourage audiences to challenge their own assumptions. I seek to use theater as a means for change, and ultimately peace, by breaking down barriers of ignorance.

This is why I act... It's a powerful stage... my entire life I've felt the call, but have been afraid at times that I seemed too selfish (an actor is always trying to stay fit, working on craft, putting performances/auditions before everything or everyone else)... Coming from a service-minded family (of talented teachers), I was raised to live a life for others. I'm thrilled to discover this powerful mission, and get to work. Hopefully, the end of these applications is in sight.

Check this out: http://starbucksloveproject.com/#/main/

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