Saturday, October 14, 2006

New Show and Inspiring Weekend!

Fiona the Fish is my character in Venus Theatre's production of "Juanita the Walrus Goes on a Shopping Spree". The character description: Fiona has mermaid hair, can fly through air... a bit of a diva, but loves her friends ! Okay, how much fun am I gonna have?! Mark your calendars, we open Friday after Thanksgiving and run for four weekends.

This morning, I attended an awesome acting/improv workshop with Gary Austin, and AMAZING teacher who works out of LA, but frequently teaches in the area. His students include Helen Hunt and Lisa Kudrow. I am going to try to work w/ him whenever he's in town, and hopefully his wife who is the vocal coach for MANY MANY big performers out there (which may or may not include Barbara Streisand).

I finished the day by attending a performance by Betty Buckley (Cats, Sunset Boulevard, Elegies, etc.) at GMU's Center for Arts (my old stage :). She was PHENOMENAL! The concert was so inspiring, and it didn't hurt that my friend Mike hooked me up w/ a ticket 3rd row front and center!

So, all and all great weekend! Tomorrow, will run my final 10K for time, before I taper (not too extreme, since it's a short race) for the race in two weeks. Psyched and feelin' good~

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